5 Things to Get Rid of Today

let balloons go

We all have unique preferences, shopping habits, and things that we have, arguably, “too much” of. “I’m a shoe girl!” Or “I keep collecting candles. I just can’t help it!” No reason to feel bad about this. Your collections are yours and yours only, comprised of unique and special pieces that make you feel like you. IF you have the storage space for these special things, you use them and love them, rock on.

However, there are some common categories of things that can universally be removed from our homes. They cause our closets, shelves, garages and storage units to bulge. Not to mention contributing to the equally burdensome mental clutter that weighs us down.

Here are 5 things to get rid of today. Don’t delay. Let’s get after our clutter and excess so we can enjoy peaceful and beautiful spaces and lives.

1. Anything That Does Not Fit Your Body.

As in, anything that does not fit you TODAY. Let’s be real and allow for some exceptions, including if you are pregnant or postpartum – in which case, give yourself time and grace to determine what does and will fit.

Why shouldn’t we hang on to things that used to fit, might fit, will hopefully fit soon? We tell ourselves that these things provide motivation to put in the work necessary to fit into them again. But, do they really? Do you really look at them and feel good about yourself? Or do they, conversely, conjure up feelings of inadequacy or stress? More likely the latter. They are just extra weight. Let. Them. Go.

2. Anything That Does Not Fit Your Space.

This one is straightforward. We tend to expand to fill our space. But, then it’s all too easy to keep accumulating without releasing anything. If something is crammed into a closet, piled on the floor, or spilling out of a room, you don’t have room for it! You have more stuff than your space allows. Something has to give. You can either: 1. Declutter the entire area to reassess what your priority items are, and let the other things go. Or 2. Relocate the overflowing items to another area of your house that makes good sense and that has enough room.

Tip: If you find that you have overflowing spaces, get a container (a shoebox/anything), label it to indicate the category it will house, then fill it. Any overflow needs to go in another container or needs to go. Containers are so useful in that way. They provide the parameters within which we need to fit our possessions.


3. Anything That Does Not Fit Your Lifestyle.

You used to be have a job outside the home that required more formal attire and now you work from home? This change in lifestyle necessitates a reassessment of your wardrobe. It makes good sense to keep a curated selection of your favorites from your previous world – in case your circumstances change. But, the majority of the clothes that no longer fit your lifestyle can be sold, given to friends or family, or to an organization that donates workwear to people who could use it.

Other lifestyle changes include a change in hobbies or sports you participate in. Maybe you were super into the treadmill 10 years ago, but haven’t touched in since. Time to free up your space!

4. Anything That is Damaged.

goodbye sign. let it go.

It’s never a convenient time to fix things. Certainly not right after something breaks! Instead of fixing something right away, we return it to where it goes, or toss it into a pile to deal with it “later”. Later never comes! What does come is a feeling of weight, burden and overwhelm that accompanies the accumulation of all the broken things in our environment. The procrastination stops today! Either fix it today or let the item go.

I’m often surprised by, in reality, how easy and fast it is to fix the things we’ve put off addressing for weeks, months, even years. So much easier than halfheartedly keeping it on our to do list for all that time. But, realistically, if something can’t or won’t be fixed, let the item go. If it’s something you need to replace, you can replace it.

You deserve nice things! You are worthy of things that are free of stains, tears, or other damage. Even if you don’t know how a replacement (of a pricey item, perhaps) will come into your life, the act of letting go of the old can pave the way for new blessings to come your way – often in ways you never anticipated.

5. Anything That You Do Not Use or Like.

These things are related. You likely don’t use something because you don’t like it. Or, you don’t like it because you’re not using it and aren’t getting any value from it. Perhaps you’re feeling like you shouldn’t part with it because you paid good money for it. But, the money has already been spent. Holding on to it (but not using or really appreciating it) doesn’t bring the money back. It is ok to let these things go.

Full disclosure…I try to be really mindful and deliberate about the tone and content of these types of posts. My intention is to strike a balance. I want to sincerely acknowledging the attachment you can have to your possessions. This includes not judging or nonchalantly saying “Get rid of everything! No big deal!” But, I am in the business of promoting transformation and moving you forward, out of old ways of thinking or habits and into new ones that will propel you into a greater sense of peace and contentment. So, I will challenge you. It is not about getting rid of stuff to then replace it with more… stuff. It is about getting really clear about what does matter. To You. I can’t answer that for you. But, whatever it is, prioritize that. Allocate the majority of your time, money, and energy into it and release the rest.