How many of you set a New Year’s resolution/goal/intention or chose a token word for the year? Wonderful! I would guess that some of you included getting organized as one of your aspirations for this year. After all, getting organized is one of the top 7 resolutions that people set!
As important as January is to get our momentum going, Feb. is just as critical! Statistically, it’s the month that most resolutions fall apart. So, let’s keep at it with a fun declutter challenge!
What It Is:
For each day in Feb., there’s a small declutter challenge. Every day focuses on a different area of the house. And each is designed to be EASY and QUICK. Think a single drawer or one small category of household items such as vases. Each challenge should take around 10 minutes….no more than 30 min. Here’s the declutter calendar.
How It Works:
- Keep the calendar visible – wherever it will capture your attention daily. You could print it out and put in on your refrigerator, keep it electronically, or write each challenge on your existing calendar.
- Find a time of day to declutter the area indicated on your calendar. First thing in the morning or after the kids go to bed might work well.
- Add a calendar entry on your phone or in your planner each day to remind you to do the challenge. If the topic doesn’t apply, replace it with another clutter zone in your home that’s not on the calendar. Or, you can take that day off! Just get right back to it the next day.
- Repeat each day until you’ve completed the month! You’ve formed some great habits in the process. And, the cumulative results of your daily work will make a substantial impact on the amount of clutter in your home – all without spending hours at a time. Great work everyone!